It’s been a while since I last posted an update on the Whizz80 computer. I’ve been a bit slack in documenting my progress because each time I move a little step closer and it is more fun to keep building and designing rather than writing up documentation. However I have reached a bit of a milestone with a simple, yet working system so now is the time to pause and take note on what I’ve done so far....
After trying different z80 assemblers and simulators, I have found a z80 development workflow that works well for me on my mac .
There are quite a few open source tools to use, and finding the right combination has really improved my z80 assembly learning.
The z80 development workflow I have come up with the following workflow:
Z80 Development Workflow There are four stages of my work flow....
The system design of the Whizz-80 computer is a little different to what most people seem to be creating. There are many designs of a z80 computer that are based around a single board. While a single board self contained computer is cool and trendy, it doesn’t really give you the flexibility to upgrade, change or expand the system when you want to try something new or add extra functionality. I’m intending on the system to grow and expand as I develop it (it is iterative process as I learn, so mistakes would be made)....